Monday, March 23, 2009

Stuff that's been around a while

I never got around to posting these here but all these items have been available on Exstreet for months.

Halloween Utility Belt

Halloween Fishing Rod

Fairy star Chakra torches

Star Shimmer Gown - Pink

Star Shimmer Gown - blue

Star Shimmer Gown - Purple

Star Shimmer gown - Green

New Shop location

So at long last I have a new shop location. I had to move due to the loss of the openspace sim I was on. I live on a lovely lot in the Willowdale Sim system. The sim of Sylvian to be exact. And my lovely landlady has allowed us to have Sky shops now! So I put the shop up there.


Now that I have a shop I hope to get some new items in it! Heck I have some items in it already I haven't even posted about here.

But new shop items soon. New custom fish in the fishing area soon, and a Spring egg hunt on my land soon!